Lithium batteries are quite commonplace now but what about flow batteries? In this presentation we look at different chemistries, pros and cons of this method of energy storage and some exciting future developments.
What is a flow battery?
A flow battery is an electrical storage device that is a cross between a conventional battery and a fuel cell.
Liquid electrolyte of metallic salts is pumped through a core that consists of a positive and negative electrode, separated by a membrane.
The ion exchange that occurs between the cathode and anode generates electricity.
The liquid electrolyte is stored in external tanks.
Flow battery cycle life
Flow batteries can:
Cycle more often
To a greater depth of discharge at 100%
With no negative effects on the batteries performance life
Flow batteries can store power for 4 hours or more
Last for decades ( up 25 years before needing replacement)
What is the electrolyte made of?
Most large commercial flow batteries use:
Acid sulfur with vanadium salt as electrolyte
The electrodes are made of graphite bipolar plates.
Vanadium is one of few available active materials that keeps corrosion under control.
Flow batteries have been tried that contain precious metal, such as platinum, which is also used in fuels cells.
Research is continuing to find materials that are low cost and readily available.
How well do they perform?
Flow batteries perform best when:
When they are above 20 kWh (Vanadium)
Can deliver more than 10,000 full cycles
Are good for about 20 years.
Cell voltages and energy density
Each cell produces 1.15–1.55 volts;
They are connected in series to achieve the desired voltage levels
The battery has a specific energy of about 40Wh/kg, which resembles lead acid
This makes the battery best suited for bulk energy storage
Precious element
Vanadium is the 23rd element on the periodic table and is used in the manufacturing of flow batteries:
Currently mined in China, Russia and South Africa
Nevada may soon become a contributor in the form of heavily oxidized crumbled rock
Currently, 90 percent of lower grade vanadium is used as an additive to strengthen steel
Battery scientists, mining companies and politicians are excited about vanadium becoming a strategic metal for “green energy"
Flow battery chemistries
Manufacturers offer a variety of flow battery chemistry with different cells been developed such:
As redox, hybrid and membraneless
Redox battery store energy in the liquid at all times
Hybrid flow battery store at least some energy in solid metal during charge
In a membraneless flow battery, liquid self separates in one tank
As a rule and relying upon the science, flow batteries will in general be less reactive, simple to dispose of and are not inclined to overheating.
Brisbane based company redflow has developed the world's smallest zinc-bromine flow battery Zcell in commercial production with:
Operating temperature of between 10 degrees - 50 degrees
If temp falls outside this temperature range the system shuts off
Need to have thermal system to maintain electrolyte at above 10 degrees
Can be discharged 100 %
Can stay in a partial state of discharge for ever
How it works
Each battery contains about 100 litres of water-based zinc bromide salt solution that:
Circulates in two separate hydraulic circuits.
When charging, zinc is extracted from the zinc bromide solution and stored on a plastic membrane.
During discharge, zinc is released back to the solution.
Benefit of this process, causes no degradation to the battery when zinc is removed at end of each cycle,
Giving it a sustained, long-life energy storage capacity
Advantages of a zinc bromine
With these batteries:
There is no fire risk
The bromide-based electrolyte is non-flammable
Mechanical damage does not risk explosion or ‘thermal runaway’
Batteries offer almost unlimited shelf life,
Made from components that are easy to recycle or reuse
Flow batteries: Comparison with Vanadium
Vanadium batteries:
Vanadium systems are much larger and provide a lower energy density
This means have a much larger physical size,
Potential issues with floor loading, weight
Installation issues
What’s on the horizon
Harvard researchers in 2017 developed a new flow battery:
It stores energy in organic molecules dissolved in neutral pH water
The molecules have been restructured, making them more water soluble
Has resulted in a battery that loses only 1% of its capacity every 1000 Cycles
As the energy storage wars become more heated the installer, designer and consumer must understand the various pros and cons of the different battery chemistries out there/
In the case of flow batteries the advantages included:
Flow batteries use a liquid electrolyte
They don’t mind being in a partial state of discharge
Use non flammable materials
Effectively the systems are totally recyclable
The only real disadvantage is the fact that these systems are less energy dense than their lithium counterparts and are also comparatively expensive but if safety is top of the list in regards to your selection criteria for an energy storage system flow batteries may be the answer.
If you’d like to see what Greenwood Solutions get up to in the real world of renewable energy, solar, battery storage and grid protection check out our industry and commercial pages:
Lahiru's spent 15 years in the energy industry, driving outcomes and twin cabs. A good chunk of his Greenwood hours are spent onsite, overseeing the delivery of utility projects and solar farms. And when he punches the clock, Lahiru's still tackling challenges (wearing the uniform of his local NFL club).