This was a particular interesting project as it involved a local Melbourne company called Model Med which produce birth simulators which allows medical professionals to practice a range of Obstetrics and Gynaecology situations such as breech birth, shoulder dystocia, cephalic birth, instrumental delivery, post-partum haemorrhage, manual removal of placenta, fetal and cervical assessment, speculum and bi-manual examination, to name just a few.
Model Med’s consumption load profile aligned perfectly with solar production as the business runs during daylight hours with minimum electricity consumption during the nighttime.
As Mike Logan, Managing Director said:
‘ We've been in business for nearly 20 years. We export to nearly every country in the world. Solar was a natural choice for us. People in buildings similar to us in this area said to us it was the biggest no-brainer they'd ever had as a business decision.
`We use all sorts of equipment from high-tech to low-tech and we're doing everything we can to continually conserve power, get our electricity bills down and reduce our emissions. I think we're about 95 %self-sufficient on average but most days’
Something they’ve been able to tell their distributors and customers is that the products are produced by renewable power and this has been well received.
‘Model Med exports 90 % of what we produce and have distributors all over the world and it's something they like to hear and we're proud that we can tell them that’
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